
High Tea Booking Request

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  • High Tea Booking Request

The price of our High Tea is $49 AUD per person including tea or coffee.

Villa Howden is open for traditional High Tea each Sunday from 1pm to 4pm. Our High Tea starts at 1pm with 90-minute sittings, but feel free to stay for a wander in our gardens.

Bookings can be made on Saturdays for larger groups or special events. Please note that a deposit is required for bookings of 10 or more people. This is non-refundable within 7 days of the original booking date. Specific rooms or areas are not guaranteed unless a hire fee has been paid.

Bookings are essential. For more details, please call us on +61 3 6267 1161.

High Tea Booking

Villa Howden

Winter Announcement

Dear All,

As winter has arrived in Tasmania, we regret to inform you that our pool's heat pump is struggling to cope with the lower outside temperatures. Despite setting the target temperature to around 32 degrees, the system is currently working hard throughout the day and is only able to raise the temperature to about 20 degrees.
Due to this issue, we will be closing the pool for one week to prevent any negative impact on your experience.
We apologize for the inconvenience and understand that this may affect your plans. Thank you for your understanding and patience during this time.

Best regards,
Villa Howden Team